Ready for an adventure? Become a member (married or single ) and email your CV to Lady Marissa (her email is found on her website). Then, fill out the form on our website to qualify for the position!
Earn 10% for every membership you refer (monthly) and, once you hit our revenue goals, unlock the opportunity to join us full-time with a salary of at least $30,000/year or $15/hour.
We are looking to fill at least 46 spots for affiliate members. Best of all, your spot as an affiliate member is free, and you’ll earn a 6-month Gold Membership!
Lady Marissa will email the first 46 respondents with the opportunity who have filled both the form and sent their CVs.
Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to be part of something amazing.
https://lady-marissa. my. canva. site/members
Age Requirement: You must be at least 18 years old or have your High School Diploma, and have a PayPal account so that you can get paid. (Any Nationality as it is completely online-English Speaker preferred. )