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Elevators Technician

Ruwi, Muscat
3 days ago
Experience LevelManagement
Employment TypeFull-time
Education LevelDiploma
I am an Elevator maintenance engineer having 14 years of experience in the field of Electronics and Electrical (elevator) and in total 24 years of professional experience. Elevator, POS network technical and customer services support, including supervision of Technical Support Engineers team in leading companies. My strengths are troubleshooting, team working & managerial skills ,adaptability, problem solving, ability to work well under pressure ,self-motivated ,efficiency and organization. Repair & maintenance of different equipment like PCB’s. CCTV Installation, Vehicle Tracker system and Electrical wiring for home and factory. Solar Panel Installation & maintenance. An energetic and flexible individual with the ability to read and understand drawings and have an excellent knowledge of repairs and maintenance of elevators; hopeful to advance an exciting career.
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