If you require a professional CV. Contact me with the following information. I will make a professional looking CV at very affordable price. . .
1. Contact Information
- Full Name
- Phone Number
- Email Addresse:
- Nationality:
- LinkedIn Profile or Portfolio (if applicable)
- Address
2. Work Experience:
- Job Title
- Company Name and Location
- Dates of Employment (start and end date or present)
4. Education:
- Degree
- institution Name
- Graduation Date
5. Skills:
- Technical Skills (e. g. , software, tools, programming languages)
- Soft Skills (e. g. , communication, problem-solving)
6. Certifications or Training:
- Name of the Certification
- Issuing Authority
- Date of Certification
7. Projects or Volunteer Work (optional):
- Project Title or Role
- Organization Name
- Brief Description of the project or role
- Achievements or contributions
8. Languages (if relevant):
- List the languages you speak and the proficiency level (e. g. , Fluent, Intermediate)
9. Hobbies/Interests (optional):
- Only include hobbies if they are relevant to the job or demonstrate valuable skills.
10. References (optional):
- "Available upon request" or provide names and contact details of 2-3 professional references (if required).
( Also the color you want to put in your CV)