Keyboard Windows 10 and MS Office 2016 is the latest edition
of the Keyboard series, This edition too, in the manner of its
predecessors, strives to make learning computer science a lively,
interesting, and interactive experience.
Books 3 to s cover Word 2016, Excel 2016, and PowerPoint 2016,
along with the concepts of the Internet, operating systems
data storage. This level also enables a glimpse into programming
fundamentals through Scratch
Key Features of this Book
for teachers
a In this chapter Lists the key topics covered in the chapter
Oxford Educate, our award-winning digital teaching
aid, integrates in a single resource an e-book with
interactive teaching tools and learning materials such
as demo videos and animations.
• Fast Forward! Reveals keyboard shortcuts for menu commands, to
help users save time while performing routine operations
. Top Tip Gives useful tips on the options available for different
The Test Generator accompanying Oxford Educate
aids teachers in creating a variety of test papers from
an extensive pool of questions. Teachers can choose
questions from the textbook set as well as an additional
set, and the answer key enables effective evaluation
Did You Know? Conveys interesting facts on the concept being
described or explained
This course is also supported by Teacher's Manuals
that include lesson plans, the complete answer key
to the coursebook, worksheets, and test papers.
Computer Manners Explains computer etiquette through cartoon
Practice Time Provides situational exercises along with their
solutions, after every major topic, to reinforce learning
Oxford Areal
Tricky Terms Lists all the important terms along with their
definitions for easy reference, at the end of each chapter
Oxford Areal provides linked digita support through:
Interactive versions of the questions marked
with the Oxford Areal icon
Memory Bytes Provides a quick recapitulation of all the key points
taken up in that chapter
Demo videos of one of the Practice Time
questions in software chapters
Exercises Test learners on all aspects of conceptual theory covered
in a chapter through objective and descriptive questions
Animations for select chapters
Application Based Questions An analytical section within
Exercises that encourages students to evaluate a situation and work
out the answer to the question
with interactive exercises cover
each chapter in a child-friendly
These are included in Oxford Educate and Oxford
Areal, and are also available for download from
India. oup. com/orcs/9780199490738
. In the Lab Challenges students to practically apply the concepts
learned to real-life situations
Teacher's Notes Proposes creative ways to approach a chapter or a
difficult topic
InstaTest,a very useful alternative test
generator, facilitates creation of quick objective-type
tests that are auto-evaluated instantaneously.
Worksheets Assess the conceptual understanding of students
using alternative question formats